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Digital Film Making Weekend Course in India

Rating 5.0

Best digital film making weekend course in India. Students receive the comprehensive filmmaking training they need to produce their own films in our one-year Digital Filmmaking programme. Our courses provides in-depth knowledge and understanding of film making.


Why Choose Digital Film Making Course?

In Digital Film Making Course, we will make you aware of the best techniques for opening YouTube channels and releasing various videos. You can even earn from your channels if YouTube gives advertisements on them.

Moreover, this course will teach you to make short films and web series released over digital platforms like Amazon, Google Play, iTunes, etc. Our institute will also help in this regard, as NRAI is one of the biggest distributors of digital films and songs. You are also join our short term Film making Courses in India.

We will groom you in such a manner so that you can start a production house and make documentaries, music videos, and short films. Besides, if your works are admirable and interesting, television channels like Discovery, National Geographic Channel, Travel & Living, and websites may buy them. NRAI is the best Film Making Courses in Delhi.

Screenplay writing Module Content
1 Film History
2 Choosing Film Subjects
3 Understanding fabula, syuzhet and screen time
4 Working with Philosophical Themes and Ideas
5 Adapting pre-existing stories
6 Concept of Space and Time in Cinema
7 Time planning in scripts
8 Working towards a poly-sense cinematic experience
9 Creating Plots
10 Developing Characters
11 Working with Archetypes and Mythotypes
12 Hero’s Journey
13 Building Conflicts
14 Choosing Dramatic Strategies
15 Creating Narrative structures
16 Writing effective Dialogue
17 Film Analysis
18 Writing Scripts in correct Format
19 Marketing and pitching scripts
20 Preparing Shooting Scripts
Film Direction Module Content
1 Role of the Director
2 Understanding genres,styles and self-expression
3 Technical workflows of the filmmaking process
4 Budgeting
5 Pitching ideas
6 Financing and production models
7 Selecting the basic technical crew
8 Crew Structure and chain of command
9 Production Design including location management and set construction
10 Modes of acquiring production sound
11 Making Detailed Shot Breakdown plans
12 Working with Storyboards
13 Understanding Mise-en-Scene
14 Casting
15 Working with Actors
16 Preparing Shooting schedules
17 Shooting Protocols.
18 Career Management and counseling
Cinematography Module Content
1 Introduction to Cameras
2 Introduction to Optics and Lenses
3 Elements of Visual Communication
4 Visual Design – Composition, Color Theory, Graphics, Textures, Tones
5 Building the Visual treatment plan for a film
6 Lighting Design
7 Choice of cameras, lenses, filters and shooting formats
8 Color correction and DI
9 Working with Computer Graphics
10 Working with Animation
Editing Module Content
1 Principles of Editing
2 Understanding Continuity
3 Re – Writing the script on the editing table
4 Building Dramatic Tension
5 Working with suspense and surprise
6 Understanding Rhythm, pace and tempo
7 Theory of Montage
8 Post Production planning
9 Final Mastering And Deliveries

Benefits of this Course & Career Options

Digital Film Making Course to Enhance Film Making Skills

Join NRAI Digital Film making weekend course. In this course, you will come to know about essence of space and time in film making. Further, the course will uncover the importance of time planning in script designing for any length of film. In addition, you will get exposure to plot creating and developing character, which a very essential part of film making. You will learn the importance of working with archetypes and myth types. The course will also teach you about writing effective dialogues to make any film engaging for the targeted audiences.


The faculties will also teach you how to do marketing, financial planning, and budgeting to accelerate earnings from films. You will learn to develop expert technical crew and chain of command, which will help in managing various works related to film making. The course will also make you an expert in production designing including location management and set construction. NRAI provide Best Digital Film Making Courses in India

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